Graphic Designer Michael Thompson (aka Freestylee)

Michael Thompson is a graphic designer from Jamaica based in the United States. His passion for posters really exploded when he visited Havana, Cuba, In 1978. As a Creative Activist, posters are naturally the ideal medium and platform for solidarity and protest messages. The power of this creative medium has proved effective for over a century. 

“Art should speak loudly and make an impact for those who pause for a moment to look and think.

Art should not only make pretty statements, but also make an impact on the lives of those who struggle or are oppressed.

Art should shout.”


Michael’s wish is to make a difference with art and to bring awareness to the many social issues affecting large sections of our planet, using his creativity for positive change and peace activism. Freestylee sees his poster art as visual narratives that explore the many facets of global struggles of the underclass and believes in giving back to the community and the world through what he calls Creative Activism and Social Design. Freestylee’s Creative Activist poster designs possess a modern liveliness in the pieces, with exuberant and colorful imagery, accompanied by forceful illustrations. Freestylee uses his art effectively with social media to stimulate awareness globally and to spark conversation about many social issues. He uses poster art to express solidarity or protest issues that he feels passionate about: global poverty, racism, anti-war, migration policies, peace and justice.

While looking for an artist I wanted to talk to I came across these images in google and my first reaction was a big "wow". Between all the pictures I could see on the internet, my attention got caught by his work, and like me, I know many others.
I started to read and research for more information and I just felt so inspired by his work. His posters are simple and yet so powerful, you can clearly see the artist's message in each of them. 

Sometimes I found myself criticizing my own work because too simple, but looking at Michael's work made me realize that you don't always need to go wild to say something.   


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